

© Esteban Suarez

“Acapulco’s hills are made up of huge granite rocks piled on top of each other. In a purely mimetic endeavor, we worked hard to make the chapel look like “just another” colossal boulder atop the mountain.”

via bunkerarquitectura
via arcspace

Soundtrack: Lila Downs - La Cama de Piedra


Chiswick Cafe

photo:  Richard Bryant

The cafe has a stone colonnade across its main elevations, terminating in a portico-like front. Its elevation recalls the arcaded facades of the stable wings of country villas in the Veneto...

more via carusostjohn

Soundtrack: Part Chimp - New Cross


Las Anacuas

"On one hand we want to frame and give rhythm (more than control) to the spontaneous construction so as to avoid deterioration of the urban environment over time, and also make the process of expansions for each family easier." 

via elementalchile
via plataformaarquitectura
via googlemaps

Soundtrack: Calle 13 - Latinoamérica


Mies & Bacardi

Bacardi president Jose “Pepín” Bosch hired Mies to design buildings for the Company’s headquarters in Santiago de Cuba and its Mexican operations in Tultitlán.

Bosch conveyed his vision for an “office without walls.” In his words, Bosch wanted an office “where there were no partitions, where everybody, both officers and employees, could see each other.”

via bacardilimited
via whc.unesco

Soundtrack: Einstürzende Neubauten - The Garden


Luis Barragan

‘La función de la arquitectura debe resolver el problema material sin olvidarse de las necesidades espirituales del hombre .’

via plataformaarquitectura casa barragan
via plataformaarquitectura casa gilardi

Soundtrack: Murcof - Rostro


Mauricio Rocha

Teatro Mariano Matamoros in Morelia, Michoacán

Rocha has constructed an underground theatre formed out of cubes. Instead of designing into space, Rocha decided to take things inwards. 

via plataformaarquitectura
via tallerdearquitectura
via vimeo


Alberto Kalach

Alberto Kalach conceptualized the library as an “Ark of Knowledge” and named it after the Mexican philosopher and politician José Vasconcelos.


¿En dónde han quedado las hojas, los troncos y las ramas?
Jonás respondió: Están suspendidas en el tiempo, como el esqueleto de una ballena.

via kalach
via bibliotecavasconcelos


Peter Rich

"We need to regain lost ground..."

The Mapungubwe National Park celebrates the site of an ancient trading civilization in the context of a natural setting. The complex landscape was both the inspiration for the design and the source of the materials for the construction of the new Interpretation Centre, resulting in a composition of structures that are authentically rooted to their location.

via architektureZA 

Soundtrack: Scott Kelly in Točník 2010


Ruta del Peregrino

foto Iwan Baan

Approximately 2 million people participate each year in this religious phenomenon coming from different states of Mexico to walk through the mountain range of Jalisco, starting in the town of Ameca, ascending to el Cerro del Obispo at an altitude of 2000 meters above sea level, crossing the peak of Espinazo del Diablo to descend to it's final destination in the town of Talpa de Allende to meet with the Virgin of Talpa as an act of devotion, faith and gratitude. 

via rutadelperegrino

via perifericaarquitectura
via designboom
via dellekamparq
via elemental
via luisaldrete
via hhf

more photos via iwan baan


Ice Cube & The Eames

Before I did rap music, I studied architectural drafting. And one thing I've learned, is that - you always gotta have a plan...

via pacificstandardtime


Ai Weiwei VI

The Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry team is proud to announce the film will make its World Premiere in January at the 2012 Sundance Film Festival! Just in time for Chinese New Year!

via guardian
via aiweiweifilm

Soundtrack: Mark Lanegan - Man in the Long Black Coat


Akkarvik Restroom

The restroom is built on an existing rest area where the old toilet facility had been lifted off it's footing by strong winds, hence the new structure needed to be solid and durable.

via mantheykula
via designboom

Soundtrack: Volkovoj - Helvete

Drone in the heart of the mountains. Volume up!


Erwin Heerich

Museum Island Hombroich

Heerich´s structures are autonomous buildings which developed out of sculptures. Their uncompromising geometry reveals a rich spatial play of forces and allows a dynamic dialog between art, architecture and nature.

video archiv via vimeo

Hans van der Laan

"The elements of the house can be derived only from nature. The primary datum of the wall-separated space is the unlimited mass of the earth with the limitless space above it. So the limited mass of the walls must also be drawn from the earth in order to withdraw a limited piece of space from the space of nature."

Architectonic Space via googlebooks
video via vimeo


Project Japan

Project Japan, Metabolism Talks...

Between 2005 and 2011, architect Rem Koolhaas and curator Hans Ulrich Obrist interviewed the surviving members of Metabolism. The result is a vivid documentary of the last moment when architecture was a public rather than a private affair.

via metalocus
via taschen

Rem Koolhaas´ lecture at the Barbican Centre via vimeo